Melhor Artigo no SBES - Sessão de Ferramentas 2009

Data de postagem: Apr 30, 2010 12:47:19 PM

O artigo "SafeRefactor - Tool for Checking Refactoring Safety" recebeu prêmio de Melhor Artigo no XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia Software - Sessão de Ferramentas, Fortaleza - CE, 2009. Parabéns aos autores Gustavo Soares (UFCG), Diego Cavalcanti (UFCG), Rohit O artigo "SafeRefactor - Tool for Checking Refactoring Safety" recebeu prêmio de Melhor Artigo no XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia Software - Sessão de Ferramentas, Fortaleza - CE, 2009. Parabéns aos autores Gustavo Soares (UFCG), Diego Cavalcanti (UFCG), Rohit Gheyi (UFCG), Tiago Massoni (UFCG), Dalton Serey (UFCG) e Márcio Cornélio (UPE). Veja a seguir o resumo do artigo:"Program refactorings in IDEs are commonly implemented in an ad hoc way, since checking correctness with respect to a formal semantics is prohibitive. Several evidences have been published that these tools may perform erroneous transformations that do not preserve behavior. In order to detect some of these errors, developers may rely on compilation and tests to attest that the refactoring is correct. Compilation errors, for instance, are simple to identify. However, changes in behavior very often go undetected. In this paper, we present SAFEREFACTOR – an Eclipse plugin to identify behavioral changes in transformations. We evaluate it against 9 transformations (5 of them do not preserve behavior and are not detected by the best program refactoring tools). Our tool has been successful in detecting all behavioral changes and not producing false alarms."