Concurso Nacional de Inovação Positivo Realiza Encontro na Computação UFCG

Data de postagem: Aug 02, 2012 7:11:17 PM

A Positivo Informática vai divulgar o concurso nacional de inovação IDEIAPP na UFCG, no dia 24/08/2012, às 14h, no auditório do Centro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática (CEEI).

O concurso premiará ideias de aplicativos móveis para a plataforma Android, com computadores, tablets e e-readers, além de participação nos lucros gerados com a venda dos aplicativos.

O encontro inclui palestra internacional de James R. Edmondson, do SEI (Software Engineering Institute), instituto situado na Carnegie Mellon University, considerada a melhor universidade do mundo em pesquisa em Engenharia de Software.

Inscrições e informações no site:


14h00 - Introdução ao Desafio de Ideias para o Desenvolvimento Android

14h30 - Palestra internacional (Dr. James R. Edmondson)

15h30 - Coffee Break,

15h50 - Palestra Nacional Palestrante Nacional (Juan Barnabó)

Abaixo, o cartaz de divulgação do evento. 

E um resumo da palestra internacional:

The Next Generations of Mobile Computing

Mobile computing has become a fixture of modern life, and the usage of mobile infrastructure will increase rapidly over the next decade. We use mobile computing when we power on our smartphone, our laptop, and our wireless gaming consoles. We connect with friends and family across the world, receive news and social media updates within seconds, and interact with new people through games, online events, comments sections, and chat systems. The next generation of mobile computing and the applications that drive it will evolve each of these activities and brand new ones while utilizing new hardware technologies and services into the user experience. In this talk, we discuss what the next generation of users might want from mobile computing, the types of applications we are likely to see, and where the marriage of mobile and cloud computing technologies will almost inevitably take us.

Short bio:

James Edmondson is a senior member of the technical staff at Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute. Mr. Edmondson received his B.S. in Computer Science from Middle Tennessee State University in 2007 and M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University in 2010 and 2012, respectively. He has been a member of the ACM since 2008 and IEEE since 2010. He focuses on the development of distributed, real-time and embedded systems and has worked on various projects in both industry and academia. He brings a decade of experience in developing and testing infrastructures to open source projects like MADARA and the KATS testing system (available online at

E um bio do palestrante nacional:

Juan Barnabó é fundador da Teamware do Brasil, onde tem atuado como

evangelista de métodos ágeis de desenvolvimento, e fará uma

apresentação sobre técnicas ágeis de desenvolvimento e
